Finalized Creative Brief

March 14, 2008 at 4:18 pm Leave a comment

TITLE: The Great Life Extension Debate
OVERVIEW: Life extension and the technologies and ethical debates surrounding it are things that really interest both of us, so immediately we knew it would be a great topic to do our video on. After researching it though, we realized we had conflicting views on the subject, Fiona for and Marnina against. Rather that present only one side of the story we decided to present both sides in a debate format.
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: We wanted to inform people of both sides of the story. Let them decide on their own whether it is important for us to invest our resources into trying to make people live forever, or at least well into their hundreds.
AUDIENCE: We feel that this is a topic that is relavent to everyone. It is an issue that effects humanity as a whole. Obviously it would be challenging to have “humanity as a whole” as our target audience being that many people in this world have no internet or even a computer to access this video, plus not everyone speaks English. That being said- we decided to gear this video towards the average person who has no or little scientific knowledge. We decided not to get into biology, biotech and biomedical engineering and talked more about ethics so we could attract a wider audience.
KEY MESSAGE: We would like or audience if not to have formed an opinion about whether or not we should invest resources into life extension technology, to at least be aware of the issue and be interested in finding out more.
CONTENT PLANNING: We have done a lot of research into the topic as you can read on the blog, but we have decided for the video to stick primarily to the information dealing with the ethical side of the debate. As we are presenting our own ideas in a debate form, we narrated the video itself. Graphically the content will be typographic, vector illustrations and lots of visual puns. We also included some relevant sound effects.
SCHEDULE: week 1- research into various topics and rough storyboards and ideas. week 2-4- creation of first script and storyboards and then creation of the final script and the began to create storyboards. week 5- creation of final storyboards. week 6- creation of audio storyboards and animation. week 7- finishing animation and combining animated scenes with audio and sound effects to create final video.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Bibliography and research notes for our presentation can be viewed here.
The Nick the Greek video we watched in class was our major visual inspiration. Our end product looks completely different, but it gave us a good starting point.

    Entry filed under: FINAL DELIVERABLES, Final Process, Live Forever, Story Boards Creative Briefs.

    Animation Test (with audio) Design Statement

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